Spring Service Event to Benefit St. Louis Public School Students
The Harvard Club of St. Louis is sponsoring a drive to collect PPE and school supplies for elementary-school students who will be attending summer sessions in the St. Louis Public School District. All Ivy Clubs are invited to participate. There are TWO WAYS to participate.
Option #1: Donate items in person at a drive-by event
on Sunday, May 16, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm
at Froebel Literacy Academy, 3709 Nebraska Ave, St. Louis, MO 63118
Volunteers will be standing by to accept donations. Everyone who donates in person will be eligible to enter a raffle for one of three EXCLUSIVE Harvard Club of St. Louis baseball caps! View a list of most-needed items at this link.
Option #2: Donate items by purchasing from our Amazon Wish List
The items you purchase will be sent directly to the school district, to be distributed to the summer students. Here is the link to the Amazon Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/221V2W9SXA3OG?ref_=wl_share